Two months ago, we moved into our new home, which took much longer to build than we expected. The issue began when they started clearing the trees and realized that the soil was too wet and would not work for a good foundation. We ended up having to bring in about eighty truckloads of dirt, and then on that dirt, we poured the foundation. In construction, if you don't have a solid foundation, the rest of the process does not even matter. You have to get the foundation right, even if it takes longer and costs more.
What is my foundation?
In Corinthians, Paul speaks to new Christians about evangelism saying,"For no one can lay a foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ." He understood the importance of getting that right. Our foundation needs to be our belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God, that He came to this earth, lived as an example, died as a sacrifice and rose in glory. Everything starts from there, and that is what we build our identity on.
Building upon Decisions
If Christ is our foundation, our life will be centered around Him. Every major decision in my life needs to be considered through that lens. How will this or that impact my relationship with Jesus? With any house, every portion of the completed structure is somehow connected back to the foundation that is now unseen. Likewise, in a Christian's life, every decision (my schedule, my friends, etc.) needs to be evaluated and based on that foundation. Without this foundation, we have no boundaries. Many times I have heard people say, "I don't know how I got here. I never thought I would do something like this." Without a foundation, you will be surprised at what you are capable of.
The Unseen and the Visible
The picture at the top of this post is the actual foundation of our house, but if you were to come and look at the completed home, the foundation is not visible at all. The Bible calls Jesus both our foundation and the cornerstone. When a structure is built of natural stone, the cornerstone is a big deal; it is the defining stone and gets the most attention. If Jesus Christ is our foundation, our life will reflect those beliefs and convictions. Our friends and colleagues don't see the foundation, but they see the cornerstone; they see that our defining characteristics are that of a Christian. Our life will no longer glorify our accomplishments, our flesh, but will glorify God. The most defining characteristics about us wont be what we did, it will be what Jesus has done in us and through us.
The Finished Product
The biggest difference between a house and a shed, by definition, is that one has a foundation and the other doesn't. One will last through storms; the latter won't. Live a life that is founded on Jesus and watch as He blesses you, protects you, and glorifies Himself through you.